Over the last few years we have seen a vast increase in couples finding more rural locations to host their wedding day. Brides are heading out of town and into the sticks, rural barns have been transformed into stylish venues, Tipis and marquees are springing up in isolated fields.
Our hashtag printers look amazing in these types of settings, the light up trees full of your guests prints enhance the natural and rustic look. How about performance? Well the first requirement is electricity, but even the most rural of wedding location normally has a power supply. The next and equally important requirement is a connection to a 3G or 4G service. Coverage is generally sufficient in rural locations but we always recommend that couples double check before the wedding.
How do you check coverage? I always recommend that couples take a few smartphones to the location (on different networks) and see if they can access Instagram, if they can then that is perfect.
Here at Hashtag Printing we love a rural wedding, if you would like any further advice or for us to do an online check on your locations signal please just get in touch.